Universal Detection Using Back-scatter Interferometry (BSI)
BSI is being developed for universal detection in separation based chemical analysis. We are developing approaches that extend detection limits and leverage inexpensive optics for field deployable systems.
We are exploring new ways of combining whispering gallery mode resonators with scanning probe microscopy to develop new forms of high resolution microscopy.
Label-free Sensing Using Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) Resonators
High-Q resonators can detect binding at the resonator surface though shifts in the WGM resonance. A novel fluorescence imaging approach is developed to visualize WGM resonances and track their changes as analyses bind at the surface.
Custom fabricated fiber optic probes are used to funnel light down to the nanometric dimension for high resolution fluorescence measurements of surfaces.
Nuclear pores are the only direct pore connecting the nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic spaces in the cell. They span both membranes forming the nuclear envelope and have both active and passive transport mechanisms.